As the cooler weather starts to set in, fall is upon us. The time we have all been looking forward to, cooler weather, has arrived here in Crystal River! Why is this cooler weather so special, you may ask? Because it’s all about gag grouper fishing this time of year.
As the water temperature starts to drop into the low 70s, the Grouper start to swim (migrate) their way east. What’s so special about our area is the vast amount of natural rocks and ledges that hold these Grouper his time of the year. Every cold front pushes another “wave” of fish into the area. This can create some outstanding fishing once they get comfortable.
Identifying the Gag Grouper
Are you new to fishing for gag grouper? If so, let’s talk about what they look like. This will help you identify them when it’s time to go out on your fishing trip.
- It is relatively easy to identify grouper fish. All grouper fish have large, thick bodies and wide mouths, despite the fact that there are many species.
- There are some species that can grow quite large. The largest grouper fish recorded weighed almost 700 pounds!
- There are many colors and patterns of grouper fish, but they are all characterized by large scales. They can be found in the Atlantic Ocean, Indian Ocean, and Pacific Ocean, as well as here in Crystal River, Florida.
October Fishing Report: Gag Grouper
Are you looking to go gag grouper fishing this fall? Consider the following advice on how to catch and hook the catch of a lifetime, right here in Crystal River, FL.
Gag Grouper Fishing: Best Tactics & Techniques
There are multiple ways to target these fish all the way from fishing live bait, trolling lures, as well as even casting big plugs and soft plastics swim baits.
- A live bait, such as a pinfish, is grouper candy and is hard for them to resist.
- Trolling lures are a great way to effectively cover ground and key in on the aggressive instinct of these strong fighters.
- Throwing lures is one of the most exhilarating ways to catch them. You can feel the shear stopping power of these fish when they hit the lure.
Grouper Tackle: What You Need in Your Tackle Box
When it comes to gag grouper fishing in Crystal River, you need to have the right tackle ready to go. Be sure to include the following on your next gag grouper fishing trip:
- Be sure to have beefy tackle adequate enough to stop these very strong fish from getting you back to the rocks.
- 8000 sized spinning reels spooled with 65-80 pound braid and 80 pound leader is what you need to get these fish in the boat.
- My go-to rod and reel is be either a Daiwa BG MQ or Saltist MQ 8000 paired with a Fitzgerald Fishing Stunner HD 7’4” Extra Heavy.
- An egg sinker, swivel, circle hook, and your favorite leader is all you need to make the most effect rig for catching Grouper, the fish finder rig.

Where do Grouper Like do Hide?
Gag grouper fish are ambush predators, which means they hide in places where they can easily conceal themselves from their prey. They tend to stay close to the bottom where there is plenty of cover.
Gag grouper fish will often hide in crevices, under ledges, or among rocks and coral. They are most abundant in tropical to subtropical waters. However, they can also be found in temperate environments.
Meanwhile, gag grouper fish are known for their large mouths that give them a wide gape when feeding. This allows them to swallow large prey items like clams and crabs whole. The gag grouper’s mouth can also open up wider than most other fish because it has muscles that allow it to expand and contract.
Consider a Fishing Charter to Catch More Gag Grouper
If you are itching to hook a gag grouper or 10, one of the best ways to begin is by going on a fishing charter in Crystal River.
If you’re not an experienced angler and want to catch fish in a short period of time, then the best option for you is going on a fishing charter. Fishing charters take anglers out along the Crystal River to catch gag grouper. You’ll ride along with an experienced captain ensure that the trip is safe and enjoyable.
In addition to being convenient, going on a fishing charter is also cost-effective. You don’t have to buy a fishing boat or buy fishing gear. All you have to do is pay for the charter. It’s a lot of fun to get a experience fishing for gag grouper, all while finding the secret places where they like to hide.
What to Expect When Going on a Fishing Charter
A fishing charter is a great way to enjoy a day out with friends or family while catching fish at the same time.
If you’re going on a party boat or a head boat, then you can expect to have a good time with your friends or family. You can expect your captain to be friendly, knowledgeable, and experienced when you go on a charter. He or she will help you set up the gear, give you tips on how to catch fish. The captain can also offer bait if needed.
What Makes Crystal River Great for Charter Fishing?
Crystal River is a great place to go for both saltwater and freshwater fishing charters. The freshwater springs off the coast are home to several species of fish including snook, redfish, and of course, gag grouper.
For many people, freshwater fishing charters in Florida are the main attraction. But if you’re planning to go during the colder months, keep in mind that most freshwater species are seasonal. For example, the best time to go fishing for gag grouper is between June-December.
Crystal River, Florida, makes an excellent choice for charter fishing. This small town with just over 3,000 residents might not seem like the type of place where you’ll find world-class fishing. But just off its shores is a series of freshwater springs that attract numerous different species of fish from all over the Gulf Coast every year.
In fact, the area has been one of the most popular charter fishing spots in this part of Florida for many decades now thanks to the accessibility and abundant natural resources.
Going Gag Grouper Fishing? Contact Captain Jayce
Captain Jayce is the go-to gag grouper fishing charter captain in Crystal River, FL. Crystal River is a great place to go for fishing charters. It’s a very accessible place with plenty of different fish species, and it’s always an exciting time. Best of all, it’s always open and ready to welcome anglers year-round. So no matter when you decide to go, you’ll always have plenty of fish to catch.
Are you ready to hook some gag grouper? Come along with Captain Jayce on a fishing charter, and get ready to hook the catch of a lifetime.